Human beings are aesthetic creatures. The argument has been made that our evolved predisposition to make determinations about beauty is the very thing that separates us from other animals. We make aesthetic judgments every day; about cars, fashion, architecture, books, food, movies, you name it. We also form aesthetic opinions about the living world around us. Every aspect of the nonhuman world – from trees, to birds, to jellyfish, to fungi, to mammals – evolved into the forms, colors, and tendencies we see today. If we elect to call a hyena ugly, or ill-tempered, or just plain yucky, we are evaluating aspects of the hyena that it has no control over whatsoever. All of this probably seems quite obvious. An animal neither knows nor cares if it is being stood up for. But I wanted to throw it out there before talking about the marabou stork, a creature that is often referred to as the ugliest bird alive. (Marabou Stork. Showing Off Its Good Side.) Big Boss Bird Why exactly does the...
"Into wilderness people travel in search of new life and wonder… Wilderness settles peace on the soul because it needs no help; it is beyond human contrivance." – Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life