There are many millions of species trotting, slithering, crawling, flapping, splashing, or just sitting around being microscopic and non-motile on our happy little planet. Getting to know them all would be damn difficult, by which I mean impossible, but it’s always fun to meet some creatures we might not have previously been aware of. Which is what we’re gonna do today. So let’s get cracking. Bumblebee Bat ( Craseonycteris thonglongyai ) (Full Grown Bumblebee Bat) These marvelous little animals are also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bats, after the Thai biologist, Kitti Thonglongya, who discovered them in 1973, and are found only in the caves of Thailand and Myanmar. Bumblebee bats got their nickname because they are truly tiny. They are a little better than an inch long, with seven-inch wingspans, and they weigh in at about two grams, or about the same weight as a dime. Not only are they the smallest bats on the planet, but a case can be made that they are the smallest mammals o...
"Into wilderness people travel in search of new life and wonder… Wilderness settles peace on the soul because it needs no help; it is beyond human contrivance." – Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life